Digital marketing

Digital marketing introduction

Digital marketing introduction

Background image: Ngarrang fire art - Directed by Pete Ingram, Aidan Kempster. Support by FlameWriter, Ngarrang crew and Burning Seed ✩ Introduction Digital methods to get in front of people Strategy Strategy Strategy ActionSkills pathways 1st step in the user journey...

Google and search marketing

Google and search marketing

Background image by Aviva Reed ✩ What is search Marketing Why search matters vision for the internet hot lead Limits Dark arts - specialists + cowboys Sandbox How competitive? Diamond rings vs Coburg soccer club Organic and paid search - $10,000 adwords (via...

Kings and Queens of Content Strategy

Kings and Queens of Content Strategy

Background Image: Australian Map of Nuclear sites | free download | credits ✩ Introduction What is content - types? (see below) What types of content areas are relevant to you? system thinking - content prodcution, distribution and mangement system Imagery next...

Visual content – An image tells a 1000 words

Visual content – An image tells a 1000 words

Background Image by FlameWriter ✩ Introduction Content marketing underpins all marketing connection with audience ✩ Why are images important Eye the most important evolutionary tool (arguably) Visual cortex  dedicated to visual stimuli is a language + system - An...